Food Supplements to Avoid For a Healthy Pregnancy

Taking in vitamins is very essential during pregnancy. This is because the food that you eat may not be enough for your baby’s development. Along with the popularity of herbal medicines and supplements, many pregnant women prefer to take herbs as they may have been used to taking them even before they got pregnant.

Others take herbs not only as food supplement but also as medication to the difficulties that they may be experiencing. However, you should bear in mind that some herbs and food additives can be dangerous to you and your baby. Some of these are as follows:

1. Quinine – This is usually an additive to tonic water, which makes its taste slightly bitter. There had been a case where a woman gave birth to a baby who suffered from withdrawal symptoms.

The mother had been drinking more than one liter of tonic water per … READ MORE ...

Keeping the Baby Healthy During Pregnancy

A healthy baby comes from a healthy mother during pregnancy and the belief that says that a pregnant woman should eat for two has long been corrected by nutritionists and health experts. So, what can a pregnant woman do to keep the baby healthy? For sure, the answer is not by eating double portions. Eating excessively will only cause obesity or even worse diabetes while pregnant and if this occurs, a pregnant woman will even have double tasks: keeping the baby healthy during pregnancy and overcoming the obesity or diabetes issue. In order to focus on the mother’s and the baby’s health, a proper diet should be undergone by knowing what to eat and what not to eat while pregnant.

What to Focus on

First of all, the fetus needs vitamins from the mother so a pregnant woman should eat more varied fruit and vegetables than before she … READ MORE ...