Bodyweight Workouts For Women

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, these bodyweight workouts can help you get stronger and build endurance.

Squeeze play

Squeeze play

This exercise targets the inner thighs and can help you achieve that coveted thigh gap. To perform it, lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Press down through your heels while keeping shoulders flat against the ground; then lift one leg up until it’s parallel with the floor (or as close as you can get). Squeeze those inner thighs together for two seconds before lowering and repeating with opposing leg; do this 15 times per set. Rest 60 seconds between sets if needed!

Lateral lunge and squeeze

Lateral lunges and squeezes are a great way to tone your legs. To do this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold both hands in front of you for support. Step out … READ MORE ...

How To Test Your Own Hormone Levels

Hormones are chemicals that are produced by your body’s endocrine glands and released into the bloodstream. Hormones control the way your body functions, including metabolism, growth, energy levels and even moods. While it may not be necessary to test hormone levels for every person, there are times when it can be helpful to know exactly what’s going on inside your body. There are many different tests for hormones available today with varying accuracy levels. The most common tests include testosterone and estrogen testing as well as DHEA testing (which is used to measure adrenal function).

What Are Hormones?

Hormones are chemical messengers that are produced in the endocrine system. They control many of the body’s functions, including metabolism and growth. Hormones can be produced by the body or taken as supplements. Hormone deficiencies can cause problems with mood swings and weight gain, so it’s important to test your hormone levels … READ MORE ...

Preventive Care For Women

Women need to get regular preventive care, just like men. Here are some of the most important services that you should be getting regularly:

Pap Smear

A Pap smear is a test that checks for signs of cervical cancer. It’s one of the most important things you can do to protect your health, but many women don’t get them as often as they should.

A Pap smear is an exam performed by your doctor or nurse to check for changes in your cervix that could lead to cervical cancer. It involves taking a sample of cells from your cervix and looking at them under a microscope so we can see if they’re abnormal or not. The test helps detect abnormal cells before they start showing up on routine pelvic exams (which happen when you go in for birth control).

Pap smears are recommended beginning at age 21 and should be … READ MORE ...

Balancing Calories for Women

When it comes to dieting, there are a lot of myths and old wives’ tales that get in the way of making good decisions. What’s worse is that some people will even tell you they’ve got the best solution for everyone, no matter what your body type or activity level. This article will explain how you can use science and math to determine just how many calories you need on a daily basis so that you can make an informed decision about what kind of diet will work best for you.

What are calories?

  • Calories are a measure of energy. They tell you how much energy is in the food that you eat, which helps your body function and grow.
  • The amount of calories in an apple is different from the amount of calories in an orange or an avocado–even though they all have approximately the same number of grams
Menstrual Cups Are Everything You Wish Tampons Were

Menstrual cups are the first thing I reach for when it’s that time of month. They’re easy to insert and remove, they can last for up to 10 years, and they don’t require any extra packaging or waste. Plus, you can use them at all times during your period—including overnight—which means no more worrying about running out of tampons at the worst possible time. But despite their many benefits, menstrual cups aren’t something you see every woman carrying around in her purse (or backpack). So what should you know about these eco-friendly alternatives that could change how you deal with your monthly cycle? Let me break down some facts about menstrual cups so that you can be prepared for any situation:

Menstrual cups are made of soft, flexible silicone.

Silicone is a chemical compound that’s safe for humans. It’s used in many different products, including menstrual cups, which are made … READ MORE ...