Balancing Calories for Women
When it comes to dieting, there are a lot of myths and old wives’ tales that get in the way of making good decisions. What’s worse is that some people will even tell you they’ve got the best solution for everyone, no matter what your body type or activity level. This article will explain how you can use science and math to determine just how many calories you need on a daily basis so that you can make an informed decision about what kind of diet will work best for you.
What are calories?
- Calories are a measure of energy. They tell you how much energy is in the food that you eat, which helps your body function and grow.
- The amount of calories in an apple is different from the amount of calories in an orange or an avocado–even though they all have approximately the same number of grams
Healthy Hair Tips For Brown Skinned Women
We all want healthy, beautiful hair. And regardless of your skin tone, you can have that with a little TLC. Read on for some simple tips to keep your brown locks shiny and strong!
Moisturize your hair.
Moisturizing your hair is an important part of the process. If you have dry, brittle or damaged hair, it won’t be able to grow as long and healthy as it should. Use a deep conditioning mask at least once a week to help soften your strands and keep them from breaking off.
For best results:
- Wash your hair with a moisturizing shampoo that contains ingredients such as coconut oil or avocado oil (these will also help strengthen the follicle).
- Follow up by applying a deep conditioning mask made with argan oil on all parts of your scalp; leave this on for 15 minutes before rinsing off in the shower
Shampoo regularly.
Shampooing your … READ MORE ...
The Ultimate Glute Workout For Women
The best way to build a strong butt is to incorporate exercises that target it into your regular workouts. Whether you’re looking to get a bigger booty or just want some extra muscle tone, these exercises can help you achieve both goals.
The glutes are the largest muscle group in the body and one of the most valuable.
The glutes are the largest muscle group in the body and one of the most valuable. They help you move, stabilize your knee joint, and prevent injury.
The glutes play a role in hip extension (raising your thigh) and rotational movement (twisting at your hips). The gluteus maximus is responsible for extending your hip when walking or running; when combined with other muscles it helps you stand up from sitting without using any other muscles besides those of the legs and feet. Gluteus medius also plays a role in stabilizing the pelvis … READ MORE ...
The Health Benefits of Using Natural Makeup
If you’re like me, you’ve learned the hard way that makeup can be pretty harmful to your skin and overall health. I used to think that all cosmetics were created equally, but after some research and personal experience, I’ve realized that this is not the case at all. There are many natural makeup products out there that help keep your skin looking fresh and healthy while also being gentle on our bodies as well as the environment.
Protect Your Skin
- Natural makeup is less likely to cause irritation or allergic reactions. Many natural products are free of harsh chemicals and preservatives, which can irritate sensitive skin.
- Natural makeup is better for dry skin. The ingredients in many natural products are moisturizing, so they’re ideal for those with dry or dehydrated complexions who want their foundation formulas to be hydrating as well as protective against the sun’s damaging rays.*
- Natural makeup
Tips To Help You Get The Most Out Of Your Wellness
While the word “wellness” has become synonymous with health, it’s much more than that. Wellness is about keeping yourself healthy, but also about looking at your life holistically. When you’re living a balanced and happy life, it can have a positive impact on your physical health as well as your mental and emotional well-being! Here are some tips to help you get the most out of wellness:
Eat a balanced diet.
Eating a balanced diet is essential to your overall health. A well-balanced diet should consist of a variety of foods from all the food groups, including fruits and vegetables, grains (breads, rice), dairy products (milk), protein sources (meat or beans) and fats/oils.
It’s important that you eat regularly throughout the day so that your body has time to digest each meal before moving on to the next one. Try not to skip meals as this can cause blood sugar … READ MORE ...