Beauty professionals get asked all the time on ways they can better care for their hair so that it grows long, shiny, and healthy. It is especially important to know how to care for your hair if you have color treated hair if you lose heat on your hair more often than not, or if you use a lot of harsh chemicals in your hair. It can be tough to keep your hair looking beautiful and getting it healthy after it has been damaged, but these are a few quick tips from professionals, like those who have gone through the academy of hair design, forgetting long, strong, and radiant hair once again!

Eat A Nutritious Diet
Most people do not realize that your diet plays a big part in the condition that your hair is in. In order to get healthy hair that is shiny and strong, you need to have a diet that is full of omega fatty acids, healthy protein, lots of iron, and a ton of water consumption! A healthy diet will help your hair grow at a faster rate, and omegas are what will make your hair shiny and silky smooth!
Don’t Wash Your Hair So Much!
In order to grow hair that is long and strong, and healthy, you need to cut down on the frequency of washing your hair. If you have dry hair, you can get away with washing your hair with shampoo twice a week, possibly less, so that the natural oils in your scalp can heal and grow healthier hair. If your hair is more oily, you can wash every other day, or invest in a dry shampoo that keeps hair smelling good and looking fresh. Not washing your hair as often allows your scalp to regulate and produce oil at a healthier rate since shampoo will not constantly be stripping the natural oils away.
Use A Leave-In Conditioner
In order to help repair and prevent any split-ends from happening in your hair, you can use a leave-in conditioner after you wash your hair. You will put the treatment in your hair from the middle of the hair to the ends. Once it is in the wet hair, use a wide-tooth comb to gently comb it through the hair and evenly disperse it. It will help keep your hair from getting tangled, will prevent breakage, and keeps your hair silky by locking in moisture.
Use Different Combing Methods:
It is important to comb your hair at least twice a day so that you can get the natural oils evenly distributed throughout your hair and keeping the tangles away so that it is less likely to break at the ends. However, it is recommended to comb it before washing it and when dry, before styling it as combing it when we can actually break the hair further.
These few tips are a great place to start to get you on the road to healthy strong hair!